AMP Optimization for High Ad Viewability

An advertiser would be ready to pay any amount for an ad that a user never saw. Many brands are redefining how their ads are considered viewable.

Page view-ability rate

It is important to balance the page view-ability percentage with the ad served. The viewability rate is nothing but the percentage of ads viewed over the total number of ads served. The advertiser works with the publisher to configure for a higher viewability rate.

AMP ad component uses data loading strategy to tweak pages for higher viewability rate

Data Loading Strategy - AMP-ad

The float value of the data loading strategy is between 0-3. The float value is the no. of viewports between the user and ad page. A publisher who wants to increase his view-ability percentage has to keep the float value as small as possible. The larger the float value, the lesser the runtime will wait for ad request and vice versa. If a publisher does not configure the float value then the runtime default value is 1.25. This is a tested and tried value that delivers high viewability. There is no drastic impact on total ads through this float value.

Render on Idle Effect

In Render on Idle, the runtime requests ads deep down the viewport if all other page components loading is done and were idle. This may result in a view-ability rate drop but could increase ads served. It may improve the possibility of loading in time for the users. It is to be noted that when the data load strategy gets configured, render on idle gets disabled.

The industry is moving to compensate for viewability and views. It has become easy for Publishers to configure and test different ad loading strategies. They just need to change a single code line on an AMP page. Even they can consider additional flexibility through CMS configuration.