Google dominates the world search market but baidu benefited by Google's ban in China

Google continues to dominate the global search market with 54.7 per cent of search ad revenues worldwide in 2014. But mainland China's ban on Google is giving Baidu, the search leader in that country, a huge advantage. Baidu will see its global share of search ad revenues increase from 6.4 per cent in 2013 to 8.8 per cent in 2015, according to new data from eMarketer.Google's search ad share is expected to shrink marginally from 55.2 per cent in 2013 to 54.5 per cent in 2015. Google's search ad revenues will continue to far outweigh its competitors this year. The company is expected to bring in $38.42 billion in search revenues in 2014 and $4446 billion in 2015. Baidu's revenue is expected to grow from $5.35 in 2014 to $7.18 in 2015. Search is expected to make up $81.59 billion globally, up 16.2 per cent from 2014. Search is expected to grow at nearly 10 per cent a year through 2019 to top $130.58 billion globally.